Es importante que identifiques ¿qué te detiene en la actualidad para moverte hacia delante en busca de la conquista de tus logos personales?
Luego que lo hayas identificado es el momento oportuno para superarlo, pero ¿cómo? Cuando te enfocas en tus debilidades, impides que los talentos que tienes dentro de ti se manifiesten.
Reconocelas y no le des tanto valor en tus pensamientos, ¡dando paso a la fortaleza intrínseca que hay en tí!
Es un proceso de un día a la vez, hasta que esas fortalezas empiecen a ser parte de tu nuevo proceder y hayas superado esas debilidades anteriores.
Recuerda, solo quien quiere tu progreso te va a hablar de esto.
6 consejos para superar los miedos
Subscribe to our channel «Empezando» because every day we have the opportunity to start over, or start the same in a better way. It is important that you identify what is currently stopping you from moving forward in search of the conquest of your personal logos? After you have identified it, it is the right time to overcome it, but how?
When you focus on your weaknesses, you prevent the talents within you from manifesting. Recognize them and do not put so much value on your thoughts, giving way to the intrinsic strength that is in you! It is a process one day at a time, until those strengths become part of your new way and you have overcome those previous weaknesses.
Remember, only those who want your progress are going to talk to you about this.



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